Jamaican Fish Recipe
Jerk Snapper

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Jamaican jerk snapper

This Jamaican fish recipe is for Jerk Snapper, a smallish fish that you would normally serve whole - if it's large, then you can slice it up like the photo here, but smaller ones could be served one each. 

Jerking is actually a method of cooking in Jamaica - it is used very frequently as it's a lovely spicy taste which goes well with rice and peas.

Chicken, pork, fish or goat are marinated in jerk seasoning — either dry spices or a wet marinade like this recipe—then roasted in a pit or grilled slowly over wood coals.

You can buy the sauce ready made if you prefer - most grocery stores will have a selection. Some will be super hot and others milder. Try a few to see which you like best. 

Jerk Snapper
4 red snapper - about 12 oz (350g) each

Jamaican Jerk Sauce
1 chilli or jalapeno pepper, halved and seeded
4 spring onions (scallions) sliced
3 cloves garlic, peeled and crushed
2 inch piece of ginger - peeled and grated
2 tspns dried thyme
2 tspns dried allspice
Juice of 2 limes
10 fl oz (300ml) pineapple juice
10 fl oz (300ml)tomato juice

Put the sauce ingredients into a food processor and blend until smooth.

Slash the whole cleaned fish in several places and place them into a dish. Pour over the marinade and leave for about 30 minutes or so - turn a couple of times for the jerk sauce to soak into the flesh.

Grill for about 5 minutes per side - brush with the marinade to prevent the fish burning.

If you barbecue, then the instructions are the same - 5 minutes, brush and turn.

Serve with a salad and rice and peas.

If you enjoy this jamaican fish recipe, then you might like to know that a batch of jerk sauce will keep for about a month in the refrigerator - so you could make a double quantity to use for another meal.

I use the jerk sauce on wraps to give a lovely spicy flavor.

Cook's Notes

If you'd like to make your own jerk sauce, you can make it hotter by adding more chillies or leaving some of the seeds in. It will be super fiery if you use hotter chillies, there is a scale of hotness for them.

I prefer a milder chilli as it gives flavour without burning the mouth. If I want to make something spicier, I scrape only half of the seeds out of the chilli before I chop it up. 

*DO* be careful after handling chillies - if you rub your eyes, without washing your hands very thoroughly, including a brush under your nails, you will know about it. The juice from the chillies will sting like mad!

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Jamaican Fish Recipe

By , Mar 19, 2016

Jamaican Fish Recipe

How to make Jerk Snapper.

Prep Time: 10 minutes

Cook time: 10 minutes

Yield: 4

Main Ingredient: Red Snapper