Grouper Fish Recipes

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grouper fish in tomato sauce

Grouper Fish Recipes 

Grouper is a saltwater fish, which has become very popular in the United States being caught in the Atlantic and Pacific Ocean and a big catch in the Gulf of Mexico as well as the South East.

They generally range from 10lbs up to 100lbs and if you've caught even a small one, you've had a good day fishing! They can grow up to 800 pounds (Atlantic Goliath Grouper) - that's a lot of portions of fish and would keep a family of four going for a very long time. Wild caught is generally sustainable - more info at this NOAA Fisheries link. 

It's a firm white fleshed fish - quite delicate in flavour and is in the same family (Serranidae) as sea bass. 

It's suitable for most types of cooking - so substitute it for cod, haddock, whiting and similar. There are two grouper fish recipes here and three more linked at the bottom here which would be very good using grouper. 

Likewise, these grouper recipes would be great to use other fish with. The only limit is your imagination!

Baked Grouper with Zucchini
4 grouper steaks
1 tbspn oil
1 onion, peeled and finely sliced
1lb (500g) courgettes, sliced
handful fresh basil - tear the leaves
1 tbspn lemon juice
4 large ripe tomatoes - sliced
2 cloves garlic, peeled and finely diced
3 fl oz (90 ml) white wine
6 oz (175g) hard cheese such as cheddar, finely grated
6 oz (175g) fresh breadcrumbs

Heat the oven to Gas Mark 5, 375F, 190C

Oil a shallow baking dish and put the onion in, half the courgettes and then the fish.

Season with pepper, a little lemon juice, half the basil and then put the rest of the courgettes and the tomatoes on top.

Season again with pepper, the rest of the lemon juice and herbs and add the wine and 1 tbspn of oil.  This will create some steam to cook the ingredients through and will also provide some sauce.

Mix together the cheese and breadcrumbs and pile it on top - drizzle olive oil over.

Bake in the oven for about 25 minutes.

Serve with some buttered new potatoes - you may have enough vegetables in the dish, but if you want some more, then try green beans or broccoli. 

Here's the second of my grouper fish recipes for you - a lovely tomato and olive sauce - serve it with fresh crusty bread to mop up all the juices.

Grouper Braised with Tomatoes and Olives
2lbs (900g) grouper - cut into chunks
2 tbspns oil
2 cloves garlic, peeled and crushed
2 large onions, peeled and finely chopped
1 green pepper - decored and finely chopped
1 14oz (400g) can peeled chopped tomatoes
12 black olives - pitted and halved
5 fl oz (150ml) white wine
fresh black pepper
few basil leaves - roughly torn
2 tbspns yoghurt, cream or creme fraiche

Heat the oven to Gas Mark 5, 375F or 190C

Heat half the oil in a frying pan and gently cook the garlic, onions and pepper until softened.

Put into an ovenproof dish.

Heat the rest of the oil and quickly fry off the grouper chunks - just enough to seal them, so that they don't disintegrate in the sauce.

Transfer the fish to your baking dish.

Put the tomatoes in the frying pan and bring to the boil - make sure you scrape off all the residue from the pan - then pour the tomatoes into the baking dish.

Add the rest of the ingredients - a few twists of black pepper and stir everything together thoroughly.

Cover and bake in the oven for about 20 minutes until the fish is cooked.

Just before serving, gently stir in the yoghurt, cream or creme fraiche.

As always, you can substitute other fish fillets in these grouper fish recipes - your choice.

Cook's Notes

Grouper is mainly caught in the Atlantic but is available worldwide. It's quite expensive (I just did a quick price check and currently grouper is selling at £22.90 per kilo (2.2 pounds) and sea bass £11.90, so that's quite a difference). 

However, a kilo will serve three to four people, so that's not so bad. 

So, it's not a 'mid-week' meal really. 

But people do catch them when out fishing and if you have, then you're in for a treat! It's a firm, meaty texture, quite mild and not as 'fishy' as some, which makes it a great choice for those who like milder tasting fish. 

These would be good grouper fish recipes to substitute 

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Grouper Fish Recipes


Grouper Fish Recipes

Grouper Fish is a firm white fish with a delicate flavour. These recipes are for braised and baked grouper but you could substitute it for cod or other white fish in any recipe.

Prep Time: 10 minutes

Cook time: 20 minutes

Yield: 4

Main Ingredient: grouper